Dears Khmer forum members

For the input , we have to think about 2 items. The first one is keyboard layout and the second is user interface for inputting COENG, lunar calendar, divination digit signs ,etc.. This user interface is not a standard. The keyboard need a standard but until now there are no detail study on that. The existing keyboard layouts using in Cambodia now have several types and very similar. In principle they use the key by corresponding to a similar sound. But anyway we need more studies. In our IKWS(Intelligent Khmer Writing System), we use a similar keyboard layout too, but right now we have no intention to put it in the national standard, because we need more discussions or it will be a defact standard.
About the implementation of input for COENG, lunear calendar,etc, we got some idea from Japanese input method by using IME and we can solve pretty good this problem , not using special "COENG" key nor "VIRAMA" key.

Svay Leng